Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Know about PHP and Opensource

PHP is stand for Hypertext Preprocessor.

PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML.If you are new to PHP and want to get some idea of how it works, try the introductory tutorial. After that, check out the online manual, and the example archive sites and some of the other resources available in the links section.

PHP provides open source for users to make their own site.

There are so many open sources available like Drupal, Jumala, OsCommerce, X-Cart,etc. This all are free lancing sources. The user simply down load these source setup them and use them.
The open sources are such a good for community site, ecommerce site etc. We can use these all open sources to make such sites. The main benifite is that these open sources are free lancing and they provide basic platform for developer. The developer has to now just embed these open sources.
There are some downloads provided below:

Learn your self php

Know about Drupal

Now adays there are some frameworks are available for PHP. And those are as listed below.




Saturday, July 21, 2007

The PHP.net Google Summer of Code

Some Good News for PHP Community Are As Follow:

The PHP team is once again proud to participate in the Google Summer of Code. Seven students will "flip bits instead of burgers" this summer:

  • Mentored by Michael Wallner, Hannes Magnusson will work on LiveDocs, which is a "tool to display DocBook XML files in a web browser on the fly, without the need of building all HTML target files first". This project will be of great value to the PHP Documentation Team.
  • The PHP Interpreter uses reference counting to keep track of which objects are no longer referenced and thus can be destroyed. A major weakness in the current implementation is that it cannot detect reference cycles, that is objects that reference each other in a circular graph structure which is not referenced itself from outside the circle. Mentored by Derick Rethans, David Wang will implement a new reference counting algorithm that will alleviate this problem.
  • Xdebug provides a range of useful functionality for PHP developers, including detailed error information, code coverage and profiling support, and support for remote debugging using the GDB and DBGp protocols. Mentored by Xdebug's creator, Derick Rethans, Adam Harvey will develop a cross-platform GUI application that implements the DBGp protocol and allows PHP applications to be debugged using Xdebug in a development environment agnostic fashion.
  • Mentored by Lukas Smith, Konsta Vesterinen will work on the object-relational mapper Doctrine.
  • Mutation Testing, or Automated Error Seeding, is an approach where the testing tool makes some change to the tested code, runs the tests, and if the tests pass displays a message saying what it changed. This approach is different than code coverage analysis, because it can find code that is executed by the running of tests but not actually tested. Mentored by Sebastian Bergmann, Mike Lewis will implement Mutation Testing for PHPUnit.
  • Mentored by Helgi Þormar Þorbjörnsson, Igor Feghali will add support for foreign keys to MDB2_Schema, a package that "enables users to maintain RDBMS independant schema files in XML that can be used to create, alter and drop database entities and insert data into a database".
  • Mentored by David Coallier, Nicolas Bérard-Nault will refactor the internals of Jaws, a Framework and Content Management System for building dynamic web sites, for PHP 6.
Source: php

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Nominate Drupal for the 2007 Open Source CMS Award!

For the second year in a row, UK publisher Packt is running the Open Source Content Management System Award and is accepting nominations until August 31, 2007.

The 2006 Open Source CMS Award was designed to encourage, support, recognize and reward an open source Content Management System (CMS) selected by a panel of judges and visitors to www.PacktPub.com. This year's Awards are intended to support and give more exposure to a broader range of open source Content Management Systems, and will have winners in several different categories:

Last year, Drupal placed second in this award, behind our friends at Joomla!. Can we pull ahead this year? Only your nominations will tell. :)

Source: Drupal

Drupal 7 and PHP 5.2

Go PHP 5!Drupal has long prided itself for staying ahead of the curve technologically. In order to be able to write the best quality Drupal software, Drupal developers need the best programming tools available. Today, the best PHP available is PHP 5.

PHP 5 has been deployed and tested in production environments for three years. Unfortunately, web hosts have been slow to adopt PHP 5, which has made it difficult for Drupal and many other PHP projects to fully embrace PHP 5's features.

Now a growing consortium of PHP projects have joined together and push for wider PHP 5 adoption. By all embracing PHP 5 together, the projects involved in the GoPHP 5 effort are sending a message to web hosts that it is time to embrace PHP's future.

Drupal is now part of that movement.

Source: Drupal 7

Friday, July 13, 2007

Object oriented programming (OOP) without classes…!!!

Nowadays, object oriented programming (OOP) is quickly taking place over the traditional procedure oriented programming (POP). Success of the modern programming languages like C# and Java is obviously because of OOPs Power.

As all the OOP languages use CLASS or similar data structures for Object Oriented Programming, we have considered that without a “CLASS”, OOP is not possible.

With the same idea in my mind, I’d briefly gone through the code base of “Drupal” - One of the most popular open source content management system and framework built with PHP language. I often read and heard many praise about the power of Drupal, but after the first look at the code base, I amazed that Drupal doesn’t use a single Class in it’s code base! Whole Drupal code base is based on just functions. As PHP, with which programming language Drupal itself is built, is also implementing many powerful OPP features, I could not understand why Drupal is not using these features!

As I’d not seen the keyword ‘class’ in Drupal code base, I evaluated Drupal as non-OOP as many programmers do. And that was my mistake! Even though, Drupal doesn’t contain any class like data structure, it is still Object Oriented. I realized this fact after details study of Drupal.

Actually, the OOP concept is not based on uses of data structures like CLASS. It is based on the fundamentals of features like Objects, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Inheritance etc. If these fundamental features are included in programming then it can be considered in OOP.

Drupal covers all these features without classes. I also realized that the power of Drupal is hardly depends on this programming structure only. The way, how the hook system has been implemented in Drupal would never been possible with the use of Classes.

See more details about how Drupal implements Object Oriented Programming (OOP) without using Classes,

visit: http://api.drupal.org/api/HEAD/file/developer/topics/oop.html

A Good Themes For drupal


Theme for Drupal 5.x., CSS-based (tableless), two column layout, big place for logo (banner) 215x165px, the footer ("contacts") is placed under title.

Author: garamond.



A fresh design that balances simplicity, soft, neutral background colors, plenty of whitespace and big nice typography.

List of features

•Standards-compliant XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS (No CSS hacks).
•Liquid CSS layout (tableless) - the whole layout increases or decreases proportionally as dimensions are specified in ems. Try changing the font size to see this working.
•Supports one, two and three columns.
••Cross-browser compatible. Works fine in Firefox 2.0 and IE 6.
•Cute icons (all GPL or created by myself).
•Coded with SEO in mind, the order of the columns are 2dn, 3rd and 1st - usually the 1st is intended for navigation, the other two for content, Google likes that.
•Slinding doors tabs for primary links that blend with main content area.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requests

Source: Themes

Core Module

The pages below give help for the modules that come with Drupal. When you install Drupal, these modules are automatically installed. To make use of a module, first make sure it's enabled at administer >> site building >> modules. (Some modules automatically are.) Then set the right permissions for it at administer >> user management >> access control.

You can further extend the features of Drupal by using "contributed modules." A list of help pages for contributed modules is available at the contributed modules page.

If you would like to add a module help page, follow the authoring guidelines. The site maintainers can create and update pages for you.

Source: Core Module For Drupal

About Drupal

Drupal is a free software package that allows an individual or a community of users to easily publish, manage and organize a wide variety of content on a website. Tens of thousands of people and organizations have used Drupal to power scores of different web sites, including

  • Community web portals
  • Discussion sites
  • Corporate web sites
  • Intranet applications
  • Personal web sites or blogs
  • Aficionado sites
  • E-commerce applications
  • Resource directories
  • Social Networking sites

Drupal is ready to go from the moment you download it. It even has an easy-to-use web installer! The built-in functionality, combined with dozens of freely available add-on modules, will enable features such as:

  • Content Management Systems
  • Blogs
  • Collaborative authoring environments
  • Forums
  • Peer-to-peer networking
  • Newsletters
  • Podcasting
  • Picture galleries
  • File uploads and downloads

and much more.

Drupal is open-source software distributed under the GPL ("General Public License") and is maintained and developed by a community of thousands of users and developers. Drupal is free to download and use. If you like what Drupal promises for you, please work with us to expand and refine Drupal to suit your specific needs.

Source: Aout Drupal

Drupal open source

Drupal 5.1 and 4.7.6 released

Heine - January 29, 2007 - 19:15

Drupal 4.7.6 and 5.1 are available for download. These are maintenance releases that fix problems reported using the bug tracking system, as well as a security vulnerability.

Upgrading your existing Drupal sites is strongly recommended.


Source: http://drupal.org/