Wednesday, July 15, 2009

UPS Tracking Number.:---- Solution

The unique solution for the Web Developers those using the UPS as a shipping method to their E-Commerce Store.

By researching the web I came to make a conclusion that many people has the one question that how to get the tracking number from UPS.

So Here is the solution. As Under:::::

The easy overview for UPS shipping method for the Web Developers:

Create a Tracking number as the system that can be tracked.

The basic steps to create the number is as under.

Create a Tracking Number:

The following code is a generic method that can be used to calculate a check digit for a UPS Tracking Number. The input for the method is a String, but you could rework it to use a raw Char[] if wish. This method leaves the rest of the tracking number up to you. it takes a 15 character sequence, in this case a String, and calculates the check digit using this sequence. For information sake, I will describe how the company I work for generates tracking numbers. This is up to you, as only two portions are required by UPS, the rest you can make up on your own.

The first two characters must be "1Z".
The next 6 characters we fill with our UPS accout number "XXXXXX"
The next 2 characters denote the service type:
* "01" for Next Day Air shipments
* "02" for Second Day Air shipments
* "03" for Groud shipments
The next 5 characters is our invoice number (Our invoices are 6 digits, we drop the first digit e.g 123456 invoice would yield 23456 characters.
The next 2 digits is the package number, zero filled e.g. Package 1 is "01", 2 is "02"
The last and final character is the check digit.
First of all you will notice that the described sequence above gives is 17 characters, where as we only need 15 to calculate the check digit. To do this, we drop the "1Z" portion, and only use the last 15 characters in the method.

Next let me take a moment to outline the algorithm used to generate the check digit, then you'll see the method below the outline:

Start a running total
Examine each character in the sequence
If the character is in an odd position (e.g 1st,3rd,5th....) then
If the character is numeric then add the numeric value to the running total
If the character is alpha, then
Calculate n to be (ASCII value of character - 48)
Calculate x to be ((2 * n) - (9 * INT(n/5))) where INT(n/5) returns n/5 rounded down to the next integer (e.g 34.3 would be 34 but also 34.8 would be 34)
Add x to the running total
If the character is in an even position (e.g 2nd, 4th, 6th......) then
If the character is numeric then
Calculate n to be (2 * numeric value of character)
Add n to the running total
If the character is alpha then
Calculate n to be (ASCII value of character - 48)
Add n to the running total
Calculate x to be (Running total modulo 10)
If x = 0 then x is the check digit
If x > 0 then
Calculate y to be (10 - x)
y is the check digit

Source : Futuristic Gateway

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tips: How To set the Payment Gateway in your Site.?

Using Paypal:

This is the easy method to embed.
Procedure for standard method: Just collect your total order that the customer purchase. Make a good designed shopping cart. And also create a form redirecting to paypal gateway. And send the proper terms in hidden field. And you done. For this method you just have to provide your account email address.

Another Method:

Paypal Direct Payment: There is a API that paypal provides so you can use that api for your transaction. By this method you have to set the shopping cart and for transaction you have to send the information using php curl function or SMTP protocol. By sending the appropriate information you will get the result weather the transaction done or not. By this method the costomer is not transfer to paypal. Paypal is just back-end the whole procedure can be done in the site. For this method you have to provide API-USERNAME, API-PASSWORD and API-SIGNATURE.

Cyber source:

Like Paypal this company also provide the payment gateway as well as the subscription option. The method is some how same as the paypal direct funding capture. But this method can also store users personal information remotely and we can get the information later.

Source: Sanjay N. Prajapati(

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

HelpFull SEO Tip For your site's Rank:

Help Full Tip For SEO Work:
1. Make the seo friendly Site Content.
2. Dont use the bad back link.
3. Use the link for partner link which called "Reciprocal Linking".
4. Make sure that the link you using is not banned from google.
5. Make your content Unique from your competitor.
6. Try to make your page shorter in a size so basically make your site faster loading.
7. Give the alternative name to the Image that is match with the image's description.
8. Give the unique keywords to the site and also set the meta data.
9.Try to give your make your site's name and slogan using Header tag of the html.
10. Use small logo for your site. No more then 20k Size.
11.Add or update your sites pages in regular period.
12. Now the main and important tip for SEO is As under.
13. Help search engine to crawling your web site.
14. You can help the search engine by adding sitemap page to your site with link to each and every page of your site having maximum 2 hits to reach the page.

Now here is the text that about sitemap

How do site maps help search engine spiders?

Search engines find new web pages by “crawling” (also known as "spidering") the web. They go through the code of all the web pages in their database (index), following the links to other pages. They then add these new pages to the index. The vast majority of web pages indexed by search engines were placed there after being found by the spiders, not as a result of manual submissions!

But search engines have trouble following links to pages that are buried too deep within the link structure of a site. If your pages are more than a couple of "clicks" away from the home page, they may not be found by the spiders.

A site map provides an efficient route for the spider to follow on your site, ensuring that each page on your site is just two clicks away from your homepage. It also helps to place your site map in your website's root directory (where your index page is located).

Site maps aren't just for search engines

Some web users will navigate through your site by following your regular navigation links or by using the site search form. But many experienced web surfers will utilize your site map to go directly to the page they're looking for. If you design your site map with this in mind, your human visitors will get just as much benefit from it as the search engine spiders.

Here are a few pointers:

• Your Site Map should act much the same as the table
of contents of a book.

• It must clearly list all the pages of your site as well as
a little information about each page.

• Every listing in your site map should be hyperlinked to
its specific URL.

• If possible, use each page’s title as the link anchor text
because it will increase the relevance of your site (and
help with search engine rankings). Otherwise, use a
keyword or keyphrase that best describes the content
of the page.

• Always place the link to your site map in an easily
visible spot on your homepage. Make it easy for your
visitors to find your site map! A link added to your
regular navigation menu works very well.

• Don’t get fancy: simply call the link “Site Map”.

• Make the link to your site map a static text link. If you
use javascript to construct the link most search engines
won't follow it.

Source: Futuristic Gateway